Apologies for the delay in the latest offering, its basically been a week of getting all the various bits done to enable me to be a certifed TEFL teacher, so the blog has had to take a back seat. The long and short of it is that in just under a hours time I shall be getting my certificate that says I can teach English - get in! The hardest aspect of the course was the 3 hour Grammar test, regular readers on here will be suprised to know I managed to get 88.5% easily passing the 75% required. There has been a few other side projects to do which have been pretty straightforward but still takes the time to do it. There is just one more task we have to do this afternoon, we have spent the last day designing our own games for the students which we will play with them today. I was amazed at my own creative talents in creating a clock based on 'world times' and somehow I have managed to pair Yeovil with the great cities of New York , Tokyo, Moscow et al, I hope the students appreciate it!
The early part of last week was pretty much spent teaching and preparing some of the revision and work required for this week. So the first 3 days were hectic and not that interesting. A few of us had the idea of having one last big drink before a weekend of revision on the Friday. Luckily we found out early on that as it was a Buddhist holiday on Friday alcohol would be scarce - so we decided to make Thursday the new Friday night and head to Patong. Patong has a vibrant strip of 'interesting' bars which is a lot more fun cause it is nowhere near as sleazy as Pat Pong in Bangkok. In fact the two American girls I went to Phi Phi came with ;Alex and Sarah came with us, so there was no 'sleaziness'! A great night was had by all with a fair few drinks sunk, mostly my new drink of choice vodka and tonics. Alex and I decided to stop messing about with our previous days flirting and get together and 1 week on we are still having fun!
Friday morning was a bit messy so it was a good job that we didn't have anything too taxing in class. The best way to cure a hangover in this country is to hit the beach and throw yourself into the waves a few spins in that and your hangover is well and truly forgotten. That is exactly what we did and whilst I had to admit defeat at one point when I pulled a muscle the waves certainly did the trick. We stayed at the beach till the sun went down during which the beautiful Ni Harn beach somehow looked even better. Friday night was supposed to be a realxing affair especially with alcohol being scarce. Unfortunately/Fortunately it wasnt and we headed to our local bar/restauarant 'Cheweys' for a few drinks. The day and the previous nights events had taken its toll and I ended up at one point nearly asleep on the sofa but a vodka and redbull soon sorted that out. The red bull over here isnt fizzy and comes in a small bottle, the reason being I suppose cause it is ridiculously strong, but it certainly perks you up! So another nights drinking was enjoyed as I put myself in the best shape to do a weekends revision.
The weekend was very boring for me with plenty of revison so I'll spare you the boring details.
Monday came and I walked out the 3 hour test feeling hopeful but very confindent that the weekend's revision had done enough to make me get the 75% required. A few of us decided to let off some steam, well a lot of steam and start drinking. The drinking was briefly interupted by us going up to the school (albeit with a can of beer in hand!) to get our results and even the numerous vodka and tonics coudlnt contain my excitment at getting 88.5%. The day pretty much carried on liek that but I finally had to admit defeat at 9:30 and head home a little sorry a lot worse for wear.
As it was an earlier finish than I am usually accustomed to my hangover wasnt as bad as I had would've predicted, this was a good job as I was teaching my last lesson in the afternoon. I cannot blame the hangover but I was really dissapointed with my last lesson, I messed up a few times and was annoyed that I finished off with a bit of a damp squib. Hey, no point dwelling on I reckon I've showed in the lessons previous what I'm capable off and the observers agreed so by no means the end of the world.
Yesterday was pretty much spent creating my game, I had planned to sleep before Champions League final and get up at 1:45 to watch it. However the recent events have clearly started to take their toll and I decided a good nights sleep would be better than seeing Frances finest lose to Barcelona!
So thats pretty mcuh it, fairly low key compared to recent weeks events. However, tonight the whole group is going to get together for one last time at a place called Relax with a buffett and alcohol all for just 400baht around 7quid. I imagine there will be a few stories from that. Until next time...
Here is a picture of everyone on the course, were all looking happy because we've just got our certificates!
1 comment:
Who is this Alex girl then? Weird that she has the same name as your brother . . .
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