Sunday, May 28, 2006

It's good to be free

Well it's been a while since I posted and whilst its been a busy few days, not having to get up for school every morning at 9 has been pretty damn good. I am actually in Penang, an island in Malaysia at the mo and its the first time I've atcually been on my own since I left England and its a nice change but my hyperactive nature means I am looking forward to getting back to Bangkok tommorow and catching up with Paul (new nose and all!).

Well we got to Bangkok last Monday with no problems, and checked in to a hostel, a little bit out the way called Big Johns. Big John is an Australian who I am led to believe started selling pies and then basically everything snowballed from there and he has a hostel where you can eat his pies, arrange travel pretty much all sorts. Its a great cheap place if a little out the way, but the pie. chips and gravy certainly made up for it when we got there in the afternoon. I went for a quick nap around 6 ish and the previous week must have really caught up with me cause I woke up at 7 the next morning. I woke up feeling so refreshed and really glad that I had managed to catch up on the hours I had lost in Phuket. As a result a days shopping didn't turn out anyway near as bad as it should have done especially when you find an Argentina 86 shirt for 7quid, Paul bought retro Germany one as well - St Georges flags on cars boys we certainly are not!

With Paul going to get his nose done on Wednesday, we decided that myself. Alex, Sarah and Keith would head to Kanchanaburi, a place made famous as it was the scene of the infamous 'Death Railway' and location for the film 'Bridge on the River Kwai'. We understimated the Bangkok traffic which really is a nightmare and arrived half an hour late for our 2 1/2 hour bus to Kanchanaburi, but luckily it was still there and after lunch time we arrived at the River Guest House, which was exactly how it sounds, a guest house on the river. It was like being on my Dad's boat again everytime a longtail boat sped past to disturb the peace, the room we were staying in bobbed up and down - but the view was so beautiful it was worth it. We had big plans for the rest of the day once we got there but they soon disappered when we fell asleep amongst the tanquility after some food. As it was the last night myself. Alex, Keith and Sarah would be together as a result of me and Alex catching a flight on Friday we decided on one last hurrah that night. This was made easier in that the others found some lovely wine (a rairty and an expensive one at that in this part of the world) I just stuck to the beer then Jack Daniels and coke - something my head certainly regretted the next day! It was an eventful night that was for sure.

We woke up on Thursday refreshed and eager to make the most of catching the sights around Kanchanburi. We had made a contact in a bar the previous night for a driver and for just 20quid the 3 of us had a driver for the day and we imeadiately made our way to Hellfire Pass just over an hour away from Kanchanaburi. Hellfire Pass is one of the most recognised spots on the 'death railaway' that was built by Prisoners of War/ Many more locals for the Japanese war effort during World War 2. Hellfire Pass is a beautiful place with stunning scenary, despite this it was the scene of horrendous attrocities commited over 50 years ago. The site has been kept as it was and it involves a 4 km stretch walk along the old railway to give some albeit a little understanding of what those under Japanese control had to do. Hellfire pass is known as such because of the glow that emanted from the workers from the torch light that kept the prisoners working throughout the night - often after intensive day shifts. The tour involved listnening to an mp3 player with different stories from veterand at specific points - this really helped to give a sense of what happened. Basically the men on ridiculous rattions (1/4 of your recomended allowance) had to cut through rock 60 ft high to create a passage way all the while battling disease, fatigue, but even more disturbingly viscious abuse from their captors. It was really an emotional and amazing experience one that I won't forget for a long time, it just seemed impossible that such horror could occur in such beauty. After the tour at Hellfire pass we grabbed some cheap but lovely food and headed to a waterfall which was stunning although I have forgotten the name of it - but it was the perfect tonic for the emotional trip around Hellfire Pass. Our last stop on on our tour was the Bridge on the River Kwai (from the film) which after everything we had seen seemed a little false, but worth seeing nonetheless. Alex and I headed back to Bangkok in the evening as we had flights early in the morning, we had to leave Keith in Kanchanaburi, it was a real shame we had to do so.

Alex and I had to catch a taxi bleary eyed at 5 the next morning to go to the airport - I was flying to Malaysia to see Auntie Claire and Uncle Nik, whilst Alex had to head back to New York City. It sounds alot easier than it turned out cause surprise surprise someone hadn't checked their passport which was now less than 6 months from expiry (a requirement to get into Malaysia) and guess what, it wasn't Alex. Air Asia let me on although I had to sign a disclaimer absolving me of any costs I might occur if Malaysia immigration sent me back. I was worrying the whole way on the flight to Pennag (where I was catching my onward flight to Langakwai) however I needn't have bothered as I was waved through immigration with no problems. So I made it eventually to Langkawi which I have to say was an beautiful place even before I managed to arrive at the hotel Claire and Nik were at. Luxury doesn't even come close and I wont even begin to describe what it was like here's, the website it was just amazing. Lets just say it's not somewhere I will be able to afford to go to ...well for a very very long time or a honeymoon!

I left there this morning for 24 hours in Penang a little island in between Malaysia and Thailand. I'm being very crareful when it comes to money now, that and being on my own today felt that it was the first time I was properly travelling! I had to work out and find a bus to Georgetown the capital of the island (20km) away and then find a place to stay. I found a decent place for a fiver and after a nice walk around and a few beers I am back at the hotel doing this. Going back to Bangkok tommorow for a few days then hitting Pattaya which is supposed to be very 'interesting'! This time next week we shall hopefully be on the way to Cambodia as long as I can sort my passport out, and maybe just maybe the Glovers might have a Manager!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

They think it's all is now.

Well its Saturday morning and we are all getting ready to leave Phuket and head off to pastures new. I think the last few days have started to catch up on me as I am absolutely knackered. I have added a few pictures from the last few weeks so have a look.

Thursday night was an absoultely mental night, a real good way for everyone to get together one last time and just celebrate what we have acheived. We all met up in a bar called Relax, I had decided during the week that loads of the lads should get loads of crazy shirts - which we did as you can see on the pictures we certainly looked a sight. Myself and an Australian called Craig had decided previously that we would hold an 'awards ceremony' with things like biggest smoker, biggest drinker and so on. Greg and I hosted the ceremony and it was decided to make things more interesting he would be the male host in his suit and I would be ...well the female host! So it turned out that I ended up wearing a very short black number (pictures to follow very soon) with some fetching David Bowie style make up. Everyone seemed to enjoy the entertainment, even when my boxer shorts were showing out of the bottom of my dress! The night went on from there (after I had changed of course) with far too much drink consumed, far too much dancing all in all a fantastic night.

Yesterday started off okay, but as the day progessed my hangover detoriated. Me and Alex went to see Da Vinci code, which is probably not the most appropriate film to watch when your brian is only working at minimal capacity. The plan last night was for a pub crawl along the street where the school is, but the previous evenings activities meant that it was slightly lower key than anticipated.

I was woken up this morning by a truly torrential downpour (the rain has become more frequent of late) so still tired. Not sure what we are doing before we leave for Bangkok on Monday but I hope its more relaxing!

Pete takes exception at my Argentina shirt, whilst giving me my certificate.

Paul recieving his certificate from Pete (course director)watched by Greg and Urica (2 of our teachers and excellent ones at that)

Team Tefl with their nice shirts on display.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

My name is Seb and I'm a teacher

Apologies for the delay in the latest offering, its basically been a week of getting all the various bits done to enable me to be a certifed TEFL teacher, so the blog has had to take a back seat. The long and short of it is that in just under a hours time I shall be getting my certificate that says I can teach English - get in! The hardest aspect of the course was the 3 hour Grammar test, regular readers on here will be suprised to know I managed to get 88.5% easily passing the 75% required. There has been a few other side projects to do which have been pretty straightforward but still takes the time to do it. There is just one more task we have to do this afternoon, we have spent the last day designing our own games for the students which we will play with them today. I was amazed at my own creative talents in creating a clock based on 'world times' and somehow I have managed to pair Yeovil with the great cities of New York , Tokyo, Moscow et al, I hope the students appreciate it!

The early part of last week was pretty much spent teaching and preparing some of the revision and work required for this week. So the first 3 days were hectic and not that interesting. A few of us had the idea of having one last big drink before a weekend of revision on the Friday. Luckily we found out early on that as it was a Buddhist holiday on Friday alcohol would be scarce - so we decided to make Thursday the new Friday night and head to Patong. Patong has a vibrant strip of 'interesting' bars which is a lot more fun cause it is nowhere near as sleazy as Pat Pong in Bangkok. In fact the two American girls I went to Phi Phi came with ;Alex and Sarah came with us, so there was no 'sleaziness'! A great night was had by all with a fair few drinks sunk, mostly my new drink of choice vodka and tonics. Alex and I decided to stop messing about with our previous days flirting and get together and 1 week on we are still having fun!

Friday morning was a bit messy so it was a good job that we didn't have anything too taxing in class. The best way to cure a hangover in this country is to hit the beach and throw yourself into the waves a few spins in that and your hangover is well and truly forgotten. That is exactly what we did and whilst I had to admit defeat at one point when I pulled a muscle the waves certainly did the trick. We stayed at the beach till the sun went down during which the beautiful Ni Harn beach somehow looked even better. Friday night was supposed to be a realxing affair especially with alcohol being scarce. Unfortunately/Fortunately it wasnt and we headed to our local bar/restauarant 'Cheweys' for a few drinks. The day and the previous nights events had taken its toll and I ended up at one point nearly asleep on the sofa but a vodka and redbull soon sorted that out. The red bull over here isnt fizzy and comes in a small bottle, the reason being I suppose cause it is ridiculously strong, but it certainly perks you up! So another nights drinking was enjoyed as I put myself in the best shape to do a weekends revision.

The weekend was very boring for me with plenty of revison so I'll spare you the boring details.
Monday came and I walked out the 3 hour test feeling hopeful but very confindent that the weekend's revision had done enough to make me get the 75% required. A few of us decided to let off some steam, well a lot of steam and start drinking. The drinking was briefly interupted by us going up to the school (albeit with a can of beer in hand!) to get our results and even the numerous vodka and tonics coudlnt contain my excitment at getting 88.5%. The day pretty much carried on liek that but I finally had to admit defeat at 9:30 and head home a little sorry a lot worse for wear.

As it was an earlier finish than I am usually accustomed to my hangover wasnt as bad as I had would've predicted, this was a good job as I was teaching my last lesson in the afternoon. I cannot blame the hangover but I was really dissapointed with my last lesson, I messed up a few times and was annoyed that I finished off with a bit of a damp squib. Hey, no point dwelling on I reckon I've showed in the lessons previous what I'm capable off and the observers agreed so by no means the end of the world.

Yesterday was pretty much spent creating my game, I had planned to sleep before Champions League final and get up at 1:45 to watch it. However the recent events have clearly started to take their toll and I decided a good nights sleep would be better than seeing Frances finest lose to Barcelona!

So thats pretty mcuh it, fairly low key compared to recent weeks events. However, tonight the whole group is going to get together for one last time at a place called Relax with a buffett and alcohol all for just 400baht around 7quid. I imagine there will be a few stories from that. Until next time...

Here is a picture of everyone on the course, were all looking happy because we've just got our certificates!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Feelin even more 'Supersonic'

Firstly, I have been told off by some classmates at the TEFL school for my appalling grammar on the blog - behaviour not really expected by an English teacher! It's a fair cop, normally when I write the blog though I'm normally hungover and I just bash it out. However I'm going to sort myself out, so you grammarians out there should see an improvement. Speaking of 'grammar' that is definately proving the mosty challenging, I ve forgotten so much of the technical terms and all that cause I learnt nearly 15 years ago. Seen as I should be sure of what I'm teaching I've just bought a book 'How English works - A grammar practice book' so I shall ploughing through that for the next couple of weeks.

Well I've just got back from the most beatuiful place I've ever been too, Ko Phi Phi an island an hour and a halfs boat ride from Phuket. It's most famous because it was where 'The Beach' was filmed. To be honest I am still on an emotional high from the various sights I ve witnessed and however I try to describe it, it certainly won't do it justice.

It was initally going to be loads of us off the course, and as my role as organiser of 'Team TEFL' I was going to have to sort out travel and accomodation for 15 people. Luckily the number dwindled down to 5; myself, 2 American girls Alex and Sarah, Keith from Denver and Mike who is English but is a seasoned traveller and has lived in France for 8 years. Paul decided he had had enough of me and stayed in Phuket for a relaxing weekend! Anyway, its a only half day on Friday so at 2 we were getting on the boat to Ko Phi Phi which was only 5quid. The boat docks in a busy little port and you are immeaditaley besiged by Thais offering accomodation for various places on the island. I had spoken to a lad off the course and he said as soon as you get there just get a long boat taxi to Hat Yeo (Long Beach) where there's loads of cheap beachside bungalows and it's alot quieter, more relaxing and probably the most beautiful beach on the island. That all proved to be true and we soon found oirselves on a lovely beach looking for somehwhere to stay. The nicer looking places were full, so we ended up in what could be described as the most basic option. The two girls got a room for just over a fiver with a shower/toilet mosquito nets and fans for around 6 quid. We 'splashed out' and ended up paying 1.50 each for a room that was basically 3 beds (well at first glance they looked like beds on closer inspection there werent the most comfortable or clean ones!), very dim lights, 1 fan, all topped off with very very communal basic toilet and shower faciltites. Howvever, this was all made much less siginificant cause you could actually hear the waves lapping on the beach from the bed and we knew that a fair few drinks would be hard and sleeping probably wasn't going to be high on the agenda. We were right and we found that a stupid amount of Sam Song/Red Bull = skinny dipping at 2 in the morning! The less said about that the better, although with a camera doing the rounds I'm sure I wont be able to forget about it for a while!

Still a little drunk and weary from sleeping on a damp and hard bed I woke up at 7 and decided the best way to wake up would be to have a little swim. It certainly wasn't the worst sight I've had 1st thing in the morning the stunning landscape bettered by some magnificient cloud formations- not for the first time at the weekend I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't imagining it all. Maybe it was the Sam Song the night before but the rest of the group soon joined me and breakfast by the sea was had. Keith hired some snorkel masks, something which I was keen to do as I had never done before and the crystal clear waters looked like a good place to start. Aside from my own stupid fear of running into a shark, I swam transfixed looking at all manner of fish amongst beutiful coral and urchins. The fish just didn't seem to be bothered at all just going about their business, there were so many different types but the 'Nemos' were my favourite. I could have stayed out there all day but we decided that we were going to move to slightly more upmarket accomodation just down the beach. We hired a family room for all 5 of us with all the mod cons all for just 5quid each -much better. In the evening we headed back to the port and rather than get a long boat we decided to walk along the ruugged coastline which took around half an hour but again the beauty of the island was evident with more amazing beaches and coves. The port area was alot busier than Hat Yo which was so peaceful. We ended up in a bar called Apache which was very 'English' another Thai Chicago Rock, but seemed to be the only busy place in the area. I'm not sure why as it played some pretty basic dance music, was very cheesy and full of drunken Westerners. All that aside I managed to sink enough to make me dance (well I thought I was dancing the Americans in our party reckoned otherwise!)I like a loon for a few hours. We got a boat back, half an hour walk was definately beyond me at the stage and I soon passed out on the bed.

We got up at 8 and after a bit of faffing about we decided that we would hire a longboat and go to the smaller island opposite us called Phi Phi Le and do some quick snorkelling - we had to catch the ferry at 2:30 so we didnt have as long as we would have liked. Its the isalnd where they filmed the Beach but nothing prepared me for the sheer beauty of it. Its an uninhabited island but baot upon boat descend to its inlets and coves. Even the approach to our 1st spot was just a joy to see huge cliffs littered with greenery dotted about. The cliffs have been worn away by erosion so it looks like the isalnd is almost floating just above the waterline. We stopped at a beautiful(sorry I keep using that word alot but its just the best way to describe it) inlet and the water was even clearer than that at Hat Yao and we got snorkelling straight away. It was so much better than at Hat Yao more fish, more variety and just clear water. Aside from fish we got close to an an amazing Heron type bird which clearly didnt care about our presence, saw loads of crabs on the rocks and topping all that we swam into a cave and soon found ourselves in something straight out of a National Geographic picture. The cave had a hole say 100 feet above which let the light in highlighting the amazing rock formations, its hard to describe but it was just breathtaking. Short on time we reluctantly had to head back but the Long boat driver showed us even more amazing scenery, which literally was jaw dropping, we spent 20 minutes just in awe of what was in front of us. I'll try and get some pictures up soon but they will still not do the place justice.It was so horrible to have to head back but we had to get back for the ferry to Phuket. You might guess that I quite like the place, it was just the perfect get away from the pressure and familarity of the course, even better with great people- with memories that will last a very long time.

During the week the course really picked up the pace, and I had a further 2 teaching lessons, the 1st one was a bit dissapointing I thought I made a few silly mistakes and stupidly didnt follow the good plan I had done for the lesson. The staff here are great though and really do focus on the positives and make you reliase not to be too hard on yourself. The 3rd one though went so well, not only did I do most things right, but the students seemed to really understand me and tehy really seemed to enjoy themselves as did I. There is a big emphasis here to make the lessons fun as well as teaching the main points and it was so rewarding to get the students coming up to the you at the end of the lesson and saying 'thank you'. The more I teach the more I believe that it is something I want to do, to be honest I think I would want to do soemthing TEFL rather than living and teaching in England - especially if it means I can spend the weekends in places like Ko Phi Phi. First off though I am going to be a nanny for my favourite Auntie Claire very very hopefully in New York which I'm sure will be just as good as teaching! Its really good Alex who went to Phi Phi with us lives in New York and shes promised to take us out and show me some real dancing! Only had one night on the drink during this week after the teaching on Wednesday so I've been very good, especially when I am combining that with regular trips to the Gym. I'm actually starting to enjoy the workouts although I've still got some catching up to do with Paul.

Anyway the weekend is really starting to catch up with me so I will sign off - too tired to check it all so despite my good intentions apologies for any mistakes. Good to see the Glovers end the season in 15th place, no more football until...well that big cup thing in Germany!

Me and Alex

Clockwise Keith, Mike, Me and Alex

Me and Sarah after a couple of drinks!

A great example of when you've had too much Sam Song and Red Bull

Not the worse view 20m from your bedroom.

Hardly your greasy spoon in Elephant and Castle!

What happens when you have 2 nights on the drink

What you look like at the end of 2 nights on the drink.

The Beach

See how clear the water is

Monday, May 01, 2006

Its not all Cigarettes and Alchol!

I was just re reading my blog earlier on and realised that alcohol plays a significant part and perhaps I should highlight that Thailand isnt just about Changs and Long Island Ice Teas!

Firstly the food its fantastic. For between 1 and 2 quid you can have a plate of proper nice food. As its so cheap, we just have all our meals out, and if you just want a quick bite whereas in England you might have reached for the Ginsters here a nice bit of chicken and rice is a much healthier and nicer alternative. I'm mainly sticking to the rice/meat dishes often with say garlic or pepper. You can get some really spicy dishes over here, often in the soups but with my tempremental stomach I've probably quite rightly steered clear. Also you can get some fantastic meat over, the barbecue beef and chicken is great and as I said before its just so cheap. There is alot of seafood over here but to be honest I am not a massive fan and I'm slightly worried about my stomach again! I still have had a huge variety of different dishes over here, each restaurant or street seller makes different versions or makes it slighlty different from than last place. Despite being a well known snackhead I've been very good about crisps and chocolate, which is equally surprising cause whilst the food is great for some reason it doesnt seem to fill you up. The only time I would say Ive had a full stomach is when we had a McDonalds yesterday. Terrible I know but great for a hangover, but I will certainly not get in the habit of it, which is easier said than done cause they actually do delivery over here! I am planning on doing a Thai cooking course when the course finishes cause I would love to cook some of the food when I have to trudge back to Blighty!

Another thing is that the Taxi drivers they come in to forms either a motorbike taxi or a tuk tuk which is a very odd vehicle best described as half motorbike/half car. They are ridiculously cheap, but there really dont know where anything is! Our school is on a very busy main road, its dead in the middle between the 2 main hospitals, but try as I might they just dont seem to know where to go. Same with our apartment again its on a busy road but they just dont know. We've even got cards with adresses in Thai for both places, but you still get the same confused look. Its a good job we didnt have to rely on them too much as we've got the bike.

Dim Taxi drivers aside the Thai people are amazing, it really is as they call it - 'The Land of Smiles'. Everyone be it restaurants or shops are just so friendly and helpful. The ones in the classroom are even more happy, they seem to really enjoy the lessons and have alot of fun as well as learning. They are also very respectful of you as well, as teachers are seen as very important people in society - defo not the same as in England. Speaking of which I had my 2nd teaching lesson today which went well despite a couple of hiccups. Again, I knew what I did wrong straight away its all about ironing the mistakes out with practice, even then the observer said I managed to work my way through it well. It is really enjoyable teaching them, so much so that the nerves soon go when you get stuck in.

Mossies are unfortunately quite a nuisance, and they seem to like me and there seem to have been a fair few in my room. Ive been getting the odd bite here and there until recently when it stepped up a notch, and the constant process of applying tiger balm was getting tiresome. So I had a bit of a cull last night and spent half an hour tracking the buggers down and 7 met there maker but clearly there were some hanging about cause I had a few more bites this morning. I am going to invest in some higher strength Mossie spray but I do have a few attractive scabs! The mossie bites go well with my burn on my leg from the motorcycle exhaust I got the other day as well, which has turned nice and scabby - the Chemist clearly has seen such a injury before so knew straight away what cream to give us.

Anyway theres probably loads I have forgotten which I no doubt will try to shed some light on later, but just thought I should let you know there is much more to this place than alcohol - although that aint half bad either!